Data Science Portfolio

Data Exploration, Regression-Fitting, and Storytelling

Bechdel Test Regression

Ran a Logistic Regression to determine which features of a 4000 movie sample data set increased the likelihood of the film failing an important Gender test.

Food Insecurity Regression

Ran an OLS Regression to correlate ethnicity percentage statistics in counties across the United States with food insecurity measurements.

Monarch Urban Regression

Ran an OLS Regression to determine the potential each Urban land-use types in Chicago has shown the best responsiveness to Monarch repopulation program and highest biological impact.

Battle Royale Exploratory Data Analysis

Using R, explored a large data set on player kills and statistics in a Battle Royale FPS video game.

Chicago Crime Exploratory Data Analysis

Using R, explored a large data set on crime reports throughout Chicago to visualize spatial and temporal trends.

Country Cluster Analysis

Conduct hierachical and k-means cluster analysis on a country fact data-set from Kaggle. Learned k-value tests like silhoutte and elbow plots, and learned the general algorithms used for these clustering methods in R.